
Value Proposition

Scatter was the leading wallet in the EOS ecosystem from its inception in 2017 to 2021 when it shut down operations. At its peak, we had over 200K active users.

My Role

As one of the founders, I helped run operations at Scatter, while directing the development of the product as it evolved during my tenure.

We built the desktop wallet, the mobile wallet, the RIDL identity system, and Scatter Marketplace.

Scatter Desktop Wallet

Our primary product was Scatter’s Desktop Wallet. It allowed users to easily generate keys, create accounts on EOS-compatible networks, and sign transaction securely.

Scatter Marketplace

We created and launched a PoC NFT marketplace in 2019, with a core focus on providing game developers a way to build and deploy digital assets. It was deeply integrated into Scatter’s wallets and supported multiple standards across different networks.

Scatter Mobile Wallet

As Scatter grew, our users demanded that we create a mobile experience for them that matched our desktop workflow, but fit within the confines of the devices in their pockets.


The Future of Gaming

No-code Smart Contracts
